If you ave any questions, please get in touch with us at info@lairdtitle.com
How to visit the land
The land is located in a beautiful and tranquil estate by Blairadam Forest, near Cantsdam, in the Kingdom of Fife. The street address to the Estate where the plots of land are located is;
Kingseat Road, Cantsdam, Fife Scotland KY12 0SW
The plots are located beside Kingseat Road single track road that leads north from the B912 Cantsdam Road
Google Maps coordinates are 56.1215718, -3.3856475
X Easting 313956 , Y Northing 692954
Ordinance Survey 10 Figure Grid Reference ND 13956 92954
How to enjoy the land
All Lairds can visit and find the plots of land. You are free to walk, picnic, take photos, and enjoy the tranquility. Children and pets are welcome provided they're well behaved. You can enjoy dog walking, watching the river, enjoying the trees, and lots of peace and quiet. You are encouraged to bring trees and shrubs to plant, leave a painted rock or wooden sign, or to scatter the ashes of your loved ones. Vehicular access is not permitted, only pedestrian access isallowed. Also, no commercial activity of any kind is permitted.
How to find your plot of land
The overall estate is defined using Google Map coordinates to the centre. Each plot of land has it's own unique reference number, and we maintain a comprehensive register. It is challenging to exactly find the souvenir plots, even if using the latest technology. The plots of land are not specifically marked out, however you are free to delineate it yourself with biodegradable material, painted rocks or similar.
Bringing items to leave on your land
You are free to mark your plot of land with biodegradable material, or painted rocks or similar. If you intend to bring any non-biodegradable items with you when you visit, then we ask that you please take them away with you when you leave.
There are no ongoing fees or other costs to worry about
Your purchase through our website is a one-off payment, with nothing more to pay at all. The land will then be yours forever, and able to be passed down to your heirs, with no future payments ever needed. There are no land or real estate taxes to worry about.
Giving as a gift to a friend or relative
Many of the packs we sell are intended as gifts. When you purchase via the website, tell us the name and details of your lucky friend or relative in the box provided. The name can be whatever you like, but we do encourage you to tell us their full name and preferred title, e.g. Lord Cameron McDonald. You can have this shipped directly to the recipient if you wish, we do not provide any cost or invoice details with our packs.
No minimum age
There is no minimum age requirement to receive a Title Pack. Orders can be placed by anyone (subject to credit card owners permission), and be the recipient of a Title Pack.
If I order more than onle piece of land, are they located side by side?
We allocate plots in a sequential row, so if you order at the same time then they will be sequentially allocated one after the other. If you order at different times then we cannot place them beside each other as the next plot will likely have been sold to someone else.
Change of name (for example getting married)
Please contact us to discuss. We can help with this, and there are replacement printed packs available to purchase via our website.
Can the souvenir plot of land be officially registered in my name?
These small plots of land are known as “souvenir plots”. For many years, ‘Souvenir’ plots of land have been available to people who want to stay close to their Scottish heritage. The Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Act 2012 makes reference to these type of souvenir plots and excludes them from being included in the Land Register, due to their limited use. So you will not be able to register your ownership with the Scottish Land Registry, however we at Scotland Titles keep a Land Register, and your certificate proves your ownership.
Passing on your Land and Title to your heirs via your Will
This plot of land is an inheritable asset. The ownership can be passed down to anyone to inherit via your Will. Your heir can contact us to discuss updating the documents and issuing a new pack in their name.
We are not selling a noble title or peerage
Nobody can sell you a noble title or peerage, not us or anyone else. When you buy a pack from us, you become a Scottish landowner, and can choose to then call yourself a Scottish Laird, or its nearest English translation equivalent of Lord or Lady, along with the location of your land. We provide you with paperwork and guidance documents to help you use your new title, via Deed Poll. As far as we know, these are accepted almost everywhere in the world.
Souvenir Plot Sizes
The mapping system used in the UK is in metres, as are our souvenir plots.
Often land is measured per square foot. A square foot is part of the old Imperial Measurement System which was used in Scotland until 1965 when the Metric System was adopted.
1 square meter is roughly 10.764 square foot
1 square foot is roughly 30 centimetres x 30 centimetres
Most of our competitors sell land packs with one square foot. We sell packs in square metres, so with us you receive 10 x more land for the same money.